Supervisor and PI

Dr. Karl V. Steiner Vice President for Research, Professor,
Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and an Affiliate Appointment as Professor
in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at UMBC
Dr. Anupam Joshi Principal Investigator,
Oros Family Professor and Chair of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department,
Director of UMBC’s Center for Cybersecurity


Dr. Dana B. Bradley Dean of the UMBC Erickson School of Aging Studies
Ms. Gretchen Tucker Graduate School Student, Research Assistant
Ms. Laura Allen Graduate School Student, Research Assistant


Dr. Nirmalya Roy Associate Professor of Information Systems Department
Dr. John Schumacher Associate Professor, Sociology, Anthropology, and Public Health


Dr. Tim Finin the Willard and Lillian Hackerman Chair in Engineering,
Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering


Dr. Donna Ruginski Executive Director for Cybersecurity Initiatives in the Office of the Vice President for Research

Administrative Support

Mr. Stan Jackson Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Mr. Cameron McAdams Grants and Contracts Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs