【Open Lecture】Sec Talk 2018 in Fukuoka

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Event overview

Title Sec Talk 2018 in Fukuoka
Day Wednesday, March 14, 2018 13:00~17:00
Place JR Hakata City Conference Room
Organizer Cybersecurity Center of Kyushu University


February 1st-March 18th is “Cyber Security Month”.

This event is held as a related event of Cyber Security Month.




Time / Overview / Speaker
13:00-13:10 Kouji Okamura(Kyushu University)
Opening remarks 岡村耕二
13:10-14:00 Hiroshi kekou(Fukuoka Prefectural Police)
Case studies such as cybercrime Introduction of cyber crimes that have occurred in recent years, crimes that we want citizens to pay attention to, etc.


14:00-14:50 Yoshiaki Kasahara(Kyushu University)
Smartphone security measures Introduction of crime countermeasures for e-mail, crime countermeasures for SNS such as LINE, Facebook, Twitter, etc.


Lecture materials
15:10-16:00 Hiroshi Koide(Kyushu University)
Internet Service Crime Countermeasures Introduction of fraudulent shopping sites, card fraud, auction fraud countermeasures, etc.

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Lecture materials
16:00-16:50 Yusuke Uchida(Fujitsu Limited)
Wireless communication security measures Introducing the dangers of public Wi-Fi, the dangers and countermeasures of eavesdropping for Wi-Fi communication, and the setting of authentication methods for home routers and mobile routers.


16:50-17:00 Kouseke Kaneko(Kyushu University)
Closing remarks 金子晃介

Questionnaire results(→ PDF)



Information poster