【enPiT2】7th Symposium

Information on the enPiT symposium has been released

We are currently accepting applications for participation.

Application from here


Participation by students and companies is also welcome




PROGRAM Overview(Excerpt from enPiT site)

Date and time Thursday, January 24, 2019
■Poster exhibit 10:00~17:00
■Symposium 13:00~17:00
■Information exchange meeting    17:30~
place 大和屋本店 大和の間
[Part 1]Keynote speech
13:00~13:10 Opening remarks (Ehime University Director Mr. Yuichi Ohashi)
13:10~13:20 Greetings from MEXT
13:20~14:00 Keynote lecture 1「Perspective on artificial intelligence ethics and society, how to engage with law」
RIKEN Innovation Intelligent Integration Research Center(AIP)
Group Director Mr. Hiroshi Nakagawa
14:00~14:40 Keynote Lecture 2「About the area where IT engineer personnel are required」
Toyota Motor Corporation Advanced Technology Development Company
Electronic control foundation engineering department  Chief  Mr. Masatoshi Kinido
[Part 2]enPiT Activity report for 2018


Overall activity・Activity report of each field and introduction of enPiT-Pro
16:00~16:50 Panel discussion「Industry-academia-government cooperation and regional cooperation in enPiT」
Moderator : Harumi Watanabe ( Tokai University )
○Big data · AI field / Mr. Sakamoto (Thomas Lab Co., Ltd.)
○Security field / Mr. Hasegawa (LAC Co., Ltd.)
○Embedded systems field / Mr. Futagami (TOYO Corporation)
○Business system design field / Mr. Irino ( Ehime University)
16:50~17:00 Closing remarks
(Ehime University Graduate school of science and engineering・Dean of Science and Technology Dept.・Dean of engineering department・Professor Mr. Takahashi)
【Information exchange meeting】 17:30~
Entry fee Symposium:free
Information exchange meeting:¥6,000 (Student ¥1,000) ※Advance application required
Sponsorship enPiT
Sponsors 一般社団法人組込みシステム技術協会(JASA)、一般社団法人情報サービス産業協会(JISA)、一般社団法人情報処理学会、一般社団法人電子情報技術産業協会(JEITA)、一般社団法人日本経済団体連合会、一般社団法人日本情報システム・ユーザー協会(JUAS)、一般社団法人日本ソフトウェア科学会、一般社団法人プロジェクトマネジメント学会、特定非営利活動法人CeFIL、特定非営利活動法人日本ネットワークセキュリティ協会(JNSA)、特定非営利活動法人日本プロジェクトマネジメント協会、ICT教育推進協議会、組込みシステム産業振興機構、一般社団法人システムエンジニアリング岡山
Support Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan(IPA)
Contact Us The 7th enPiT Symposium Secretariat
(Email: enpitsymp@cs.ehime-u.ac.jp)