
Cybersecurity Center Director

Main Work Next Generation and Future Network Section Research Institute for Information Technology
URL http://okaweb.ec.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ 
Keyword IEM / to detect unknown cybersecurity threats / to grasp vulnerability information / automatic defense / seminar of cybersecurity

Main Research Topics

1. Research on SIEM

This research aims to use more log data for SIEM by consolidating log data which is from same user but have different identifier.

2. Research on detecting unknown threats

This research aims to detect unknown cybersecurity threats rapidly by SIEM, other organization and cooperation with overseas organization.

3. Research on vulnerability awareness of an organization

This research aims to collect vulnerability information in an organization by tools such as port scanning, which is usually used for cyberattacks.

4. Research on automatic defense against cyberattacks

This research aims to defend a computer against cyberattacks optimally and automatically by stored vulnerability information when it is attacked.

5. Research on Cyber Range

This research aims to product a scenario for cyber range automatically.