Events this year

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Opinion exchange meeting with Fukuoka Prefectural Police

We signed an agreement on cyber security with the Fukuoka Prefectural Police on June 30, 2016 (Thursday), and have been holding regular discussion meetings.

Past events

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March 12th (Fri) -28th (Sun), 2021
1st Kyushu Cyber ​​Security Symposium (sponsored)


Scheduled for Tuesday, March 2, 2021


【Public lecture】

Sec Talk 2021 in Fukuoka

Organized by ”Fukuoka Police Headquarters Cyber Crime Division” x ”Kyushu University Cybersecurity Center”

"in preparation!!

Thursday, December 3, 2020


【SICORP】Secure IoT Space workshop

Click here for details

February 25 (Tue)-27 (Thu) 2020

【Workshop】 NSF-JST SICORP Smart & Connected Communities Project

UMBC and Northeastern University in the United States, Keio University and Kyushu University from Japan jointly held a workshop on "Regional Collaboration Project".

February 7, 2020 (Fri)

 【Public lectures with public participationSec Talk 2020 in Fukuoka

Introduces recent cyber threats and their countermeasures for beginners to intermediates, and for the general public. Experts will explain the specific cyber damage, what you need to know about it, and the measures as an organization and its tools in an easy-to-understand manner.

August 28 (Wed)-31 (Sat) 2019 【Cybersecurity from the perspective of companies】Cooperation with Yahoo Japan

The University has incorporated security lectures from the first year of basic education, and is promoting initiatives to raise security awareness widely among students. Today, Yahoo is also part of the lecture. This summer, the students were invited to the Yahoo headquarters for fieldwork.

Monday, May 13, 2019 【Appreciation letter presentation ceremony】Yahoo! JAPAN Co., Ltd.

Presented a letter of appreciation to Yahoo! JAPAN Co., Ltd., which offers the cybersecurity education "Cybersecurity as seen from the company" to undergraduate students at the Kyushu University Opening Ceremony

April 18 (Thu)-19 (Fri), 2019 【SICORP】Cybersecurity International Workshop in Kumamoto

Japan-India joint workshop will be held in Kumamoto。
International Cybersecurity Workshop 18th – 20th April 2019
Mitsui Garden Hotel, Kumamoto

March 22, 2019 (Friday) 【Sponsorship】Kyushu Cyber Security Symposium (Pre-event)
As industrial cybersecurity becomes more and more important, a symposium will be held in Kyushu for local companies, experts, IT vendors, etc. to come together to deepen problem recognition and discussion.  Click here for details(External link)
March 11, 2019 (Monday) 【Kyushu University Ito Campus Commemoration Open Lecture】Sekyu Talk 2019 in Fukuoka
 This year, it will be held for general citizens, students, and university faculty members as one of the events related to the completion of the Kyushu University Ito Campus. Summary and program were released on this site on 1/21. We look forward to your participation.Advance application
February 19, 2019 (Tue) 【enPiT2】Results presentation(workshop)
 The enPiT2 for undergraduate students also held a workshop looking back over the past year. Fourteen partner schools were distributed across seven locations and communicated remotely.
February 9, 2019 (Sat) 【enPiT-Pro】Result report meeting & Completion Ceremony
 “ProSec-IT” started this fiscal year, all lectures were completed on February 9, and a certificate of completion was awarded.
January 24, 2019 (Thursday) 【enPiT2】Symposium in Ehime 
This year, Edo Dogo Onsen “Yamatoya Main Store” will be held at the venue.
September 25-28, 2018 【WSSF2018】The 4th International Social Science Forum 2018 in Fukuoka
September 2018 was held in Fukuoka for the first time in Asia.
September 10-11, 2018 【SICORP】「The 6th International Workshop on Cyber Security-Workshop」 
 In September, an international cybersecurity workshop was held at Indian Institute of Technology, and many faculty members from Kyushu University participated.
August 29, 2018 (Wednesday) to September 1, 2018 (Saturday) 【Cyber security from the perspective of companies】 Cooperation with Yahoo Japan
 The University has incorporated security lectures from the first year of basic education, and is promoting initiatives to raise security awareness widely among students. Today, Yahoo is also part of the lecture. This summer, the students were invited to the Yahoo headquarters for fieldwork.
June 20, 2018 (Wednesday) 【SICORP「International Joint Research Center」】workshop
Possibility of setting three joint research themes (from the viewpoint of collaboration with the Fujita and Ninomiya issues, with the Okamura issue "Realization of a secure IoT cyberspace" as a conclusion)
March 14, 2018 【Open lecture】Talk talk 2018 in Fukuoka  Lecture outline
2018年2月17日 【Open lecture】Kyushu University x Kyorin University「Introduction to cutting-edge cybersecurity for individuals and organizations」Face-to-face workshop
2018年1月22日 6th International Cyber Security Workshop
2018年1月10日 - 2月7日 【Open lecture】JMOOC「Introduction to cutting-edge cybersecurity for individuals and organizations」★Resume class★
December 4-December 5, 2017 【Cooperation】The 79th Computer Security Research Presentation
November 07-November 10, 2017 【Sponsorship】CODE BLUE 2017
August 31-September 01, 2017 【出展】JST Fair 2017 ~Future Industry Creation with Science and Technology~
August 10, 2017 【Open lecture】Junior High School Science Experiment Class 2017 Cyber Attack Experience
August 06, 2017 【Open lecture】Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Open Campus Laboratory Cyber security experience
July 14, 2017  5th International Cyber Security Workshop
July 10, 2017 Workshop on Cybersecurity for IoT - Towards Secure Smart Buildings
June 14-16, 2017 CFI2017 The 12th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies
March 20, 2017 4th Cyber Security International Workshop
February 19, 2017 【Open lecture】Sekyu Talk 2017 in Fukuoka
February 08, 2017 【Domestic collaboration】2016 Information Security Lecture for Regional Companies
January 25, 2017 【Domestic collaboration】2016 Kyushu University Cyber Security Center Tour
December 2, 2016 Information security seminar
September 16-19, 2016 【Open lecture】Security Camp Kyushu in Fukuoka 2016
August 03, 2016 【Cooperation】Cyber Security Workshop in Fukuoka 2016
June 30, 2016 【Domestic collaboration】An agreement ceremony for cyber security through industry-academia-government collaboration
March 29, 2016 UNSW Kyushu Cybersecurity Collaboration Workshop
(Australia Workshop with University of New South Wales)
February 29, 2016 Kyushu University / University of London Royal Holloway International Workshop
February 27, 2016 【Open lecture】Sekyu Talk 2016 in Fukuoka
January 30, 2016 【Open lecture】JMOOC course「Introduction to cutting-edge cybersecurity for individuals and organizations  Reverse learning」
January 07, 2016 3rd Cyber Security International Workshop
November 10-December 08, 2015 【Open lecture】JMOOC course「Introduction to cutting-edge cybersecurity for individuals and organizations」
October 28-29, 2015 【Sponsorship】CODE BLUE @TOKYO
August 28-30, 2015 【Open lecture】Security Camp Kyushu in Fukuoka 2015
July 08, 2015 2nd International Cyber Security Workshop
―― Advanced technology, manufacturing, social application and future ――
January 21, 2015 Kyushu University Cyber Security Center opening ceremony Cyber Security Symposium