Phase 1 Project Performance Final Report

Each Working packages Research Summary

In fiscal 2019, we have prototyped each WP as a prototype “ Basic technology for comprehensively securing IoT” and Teaching materials for humans involved in IoT” and aim to improve its accuracy.
In particular, the goal is to publish the research results internationally, aiming for concrete education, practical application by Japanese-Indian society and collaborative companies.
The purpose of this research is to comprehensively conduct research and innovating new tools to secure the IoT space and “realize a secure IoT”, but securing IoT needs a kind of big cloud server system which can record big data which can be analytic using AI technology. That’s why we designed 6 Working packages for each research which can be integrated and focus on how humans can process this information securely.

WP1 | Foundations for Building Secure Embedded Systems/Binary Code Analysis

For WP1, we aim to realize a mechanism that enables the development of modules with built-in security measures at the design level based on embedded development technology for IoT devices.
This mechanism consists of a framework that supports the development of secure and power-conscious applications, and a language that makes it easier to use.

In 2019

We aim to build a more secure and power-saving software system by expanding the domain-specific modeling language, code generator, and execution environment that we have been developing so far.
In addition, in order to detect and deal with attacks in the IoT execution environment, we will proceed with research on attack detection methods and threat tracing.

WP1 Research Reports

WP2 | Security performance/Power trade-off in IoT processor

WP2 aims to develop a security-oriented low-energy processor system architecture that is intended to be installed in intelligent sensors and edge computing nodes.

In 2019

We aim to further improve and develop the anomaly detection framework.
Research on secure processors, which is being conducted in collaboration with IITD, will also be conducted with the aim of improving performance,
and will be evaluated using the developed processor simulator.
We will consider making the processor simulation environment publicly available so that it can be widely used toward the realization of hardware design that takes security into consideration.
We will also conduct research on authentication evasion attacks using license servers.

WP2 Research Reports

WP3 | Cloud Security for IoT

WP3 aims to realize a secure cloud for the IoT space by using encryption, machine / deep learning, etc. to ensure the security of data used by IoT devices.
In addition, we will try to apply deep learning to analysis of IoT-specific malware threats and securement in cloud environments.
In particular, countermeasures against unknown attacks are also an important issue for cyber security.

In 2019

Based on the results so far, we have further improved research on lightweight and effective detection methods for IoT systems, effective attack detection methods in SDN environments, classification
and identification of attack malware in Japan-India cooperation IoT environments.
Implement and demonstrate performance using public datasets. Submit the results to domestic and overseas academic societies and journals.

WP3 Research Reports

WP4 | Develop an application layer trusted framework

At WP4, engineers will research and develop a framework for IoT application development that enables safe and secure designs that take security into consideration.
In particular, we aim to develop a highly convenient and highly secure framework for connection and data sharing between devices.
We will also work on research and development of applications that use the framework.

In 2019

Continue to work on research and development of IoT security frameworks and applications.
Submit the results of research and development to international conferences and journals. We will also seek cooperation with various fields.

WP4 Research Reports

WP5 | IoT security and education

WP5 aims to develop teaching materials and practice education for specialized education in IoT security.
We will conduct research and development, including technology that promptly reflects threat information on various systems in the IoT space in teaching material development content.
Especially for smart buildings, we will promote the development of teaching materials that reflect the research results of other WPs. In the practice of education,
we will promote the practice through exercises in cooperation with WP6.

In 2019

We will practice education using the already developed Japanese version of SPOC (Small Private Online Course) teaching materials.
Learning Analytics (LA) is used to identify problems in the teaching material content, solve and improve them, and identify problems in the browsing system itself to solve and improve them.
In addition, we will develop MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) teaching materials based on the English version of SPOC teaching materials.
Furthermore, we will design and develop serious game teaching materials for security education mainly on the Indian side.

WP5 Research Reports

WP6 | Specialist education

We aim to develop teaching materials, international education courses,
and teaching materials for training IoT specialists using e-learning systems such as cyber exercise equipment, Moodle, and MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) and penetration test tools.
In addition, we will research and develop technology that immediately incorporates newly discovered threats as exercise materials.

In 2019

Aiming at the sophistication of e-learning content (examination questions) for cyber security education, aiming for more appropriate automatic generation of necessary questions.
In addition, we will develop teaching materials using a penetration test tool, which is a joint research with India.

WP6 Research Reports