論文発表[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 学会発表[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]
著者名 | 題目 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | 号 | ページ | 発行年 | 発行月 |
Sandeep Kumar, Diksha Moolchandani, Takatsugu Ono, Smruti Ranjan Sarangi, |
F-LaaS: A Control-Flow-Attack Immune License-as-a-Service Model | IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC) | 2019 | 80-89 | 2019 | Jul | |
Wei Shi, Tianhao Gao, Srishti Kulshrestha, Ranjan Bose, Akira Haga, Yoshihiro Okada, |
A Framework for Automatically Generating IoT Security Quizzes in 360VR Images/Videos Based on Linked Data | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (LNDECT) | 47 | 259-267 | 2020 | ||
Limao Ma, Kosuke Kaneko, Subodh Sharma, Koichi Sakurai, |
Reliable Decentralized Oracle with Mechanisms for Verification and Disputation | International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW) | 346-352 | 2019 | Nov | ||
Kosuke Kaneko, Yusuke Tsutsumi, Subodh Sharma, Yoshihiro Okada, |
PACKUARIUM: Network Packet Visualization Using Mixed Reality for Detecting Bot IoT Device of DDoS Attack | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (LNDECT) | 47 | 361-372 | 2020 | Jan |
著者名 | 題目 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | 号 | ページ | 発行年 | 発行月 |
Wei Shi, Kosuke Kaneko, Chenguang Ma, Hikaru Yamamura, Yoshihiro Okada, |
An Integrated Framework of Generating Quizzes Based on Linked Data and Its Application on Medical Education Field | Journal of Grid and Utility Computing | 9 | 250-256 | 2019 | Jan | |
Wai Kyi Kyi Oo, Hiroshi Koide, Koichi Sakurai, |
Analyzing the Effect of Moving Target Defense for a Web System | International Journal of Networking and Computing | 9 | 2 | 188-200 | 2019 | |
Katsumi Nagai, Hiroshi Koide, Koichi Sakurai, |
Proposal and evaluation of a security incident response training method using programming | Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education (SIGITE) | 165 | 2019 | |||
Ye Longjian, Hiroshi Koide, Dirceu Cavendish, Koichi Sakurai, |
Efficient shortest path routing algorithms for distributed XML processing | 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019) | 1 | 265-272 | 2019 | ||
Daiki Hirayama, Wei Shi, Yoshihiro Okada, |
Web-Based Interactive 3D Educational Material Development Framework and Its Authoring Functionalities | Advances in Networked-based Information Systems (NBiS) | 1036 | 258-269 | 2019 | Aug | |
Jiawei Su, Danilo Vargas Vasconcellos, Koichi Sakurai, |
Attacking convolutional neural network using differential evolution | IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications | 2019 | ||||
Jiawei Su, Danilo Vargas Vasconcellos, Koichi Sakurai, |
One Pixel Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Networks | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | 23 | 5 | 828-841 | 2019 | |
Haibo Zhang, Toru Nakamura, Koichi Sakurai, |
Security and Trust Issues on Digital Supply Chain | The 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech 2019) | 338-343 | 2019 | Nov | ||
Yan Naung Soe, Yaokai Feng, Paulus Insap Santosa, Rudy Hartanto, Koichi Sakurai, |
A Sequential Scheme for Detecting Cyber Attacks in IoT Environment | The 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech 2019) | 238-244 | 2019 | Nov | ||
Yan Naung Soe, Yaokai Feng, Paulus Insap Santosa, Rudy Hartanto, Koichi Sakurai, |
Implementing Lightweight IoT-IDS on Raspberry Pi Using Correlation-Based Feature Selection and Its Performance Evaluation | International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications(AINA) | 926 | 458-469 | 2019 | ||
Hao Zhao, Yaokai Feng, Hiroshi Koide, Koichi Sakurai, |
An ANN Based Sequential Detection Method for Balancing Performance Indicators of IDS | International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR) | 239-244 | 2019 | |||
Wentao Tang, Hao Feng, Kenji Hisazumi, Akira Fukuda, |
A Verification Method for Security and Safety of IoT Applications Through DSM Language and Lustre | International Conference on Information Science and Systems (ICISS) | 166-170 | 2020 | |||
Yan Naung Soe, Yaokai Feng, Paulus Insap Santosa, Rudy Hartanto, Koichi Sakurai, |
Towards a Lightweight Detection System for Cyber Attacks in the IoT Environment Using Corresponding Features | Electronics 2020 | 9 | 1 | 144-162 | 2020 | Jan |
Haibo Zhang, Koichi Sakurai, |
Blockchain for IoT-Based Digital Supply Chain: A Survey | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (LNDECT) | 47 | 564-573 | 2020 | Mar | |
Ariel Rodriguez, Koji Okamura, |
Social media data mining for proactive cyber defense | Journal of Information Processing | 28 | 230-238 | 2020 | Mar | |
Motoyuki Ohmori, Koji Okamura, |
The Equal Deepest Vertex First Reboot: Rebooting Network Edge Switches in a Campus Network | Journal of Information Processing | 28 | 214-221 | 2020 | Mar | |
Sanouphab Phomkeona, Koji Okamura, |
Zero-day Malicious Email Investigation and Detection Using Features with Deep-learning Approach | Journal of Information Processing | 28 | 222-229 | 2020 | Mar |
著者名 | 題目 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | 号 | ページ | 発行年 | 発行月 |
Sanjiva Prasad, Chandrika Bhardwaj, |
Only Connect, Securely | International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems (FORTE) | 11535 | 75-92 | 2019 |
発表者名 | 題目 | 学会等名 | 場所 | 発表年 | 月日 |
Sandeep Kumar, Diksha Moolchandani, Takatsugu Ono, Smruti Ranjan Sarangi, |
F-LaaS: A Control-Flow-Attack Immune License-as-a-Service Model | IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2019) | Milan, Italy | 2019 | 7/8-13 |
Limao Ma, Kosuke Kaneko, Subodh Sharma, Koichi Sakurai, |
Reliable Decentralized Oracle with Mechanisms for Verification and Disputation | The Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2019) | Nagasaki, Japan | 2019 | 11/26-29 |
Kosuke Kaneko, Yusuke Tsutsumi, Subodh Sharma, Yoshihiro Okada, |
PACKUARIUM: Network Packet Visualization Using Mixed Reality for Detecting Bot IoT Device of DDoS Attack | The 8-th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies (EIDWT-2020) | Kitakyushu, Japan | 2020 | 2/24-26 |
Wei Shi, Tianhao Gao, Srishti Kulshrestha, Ranjan Bose, Akira Haga, Yoshihiro Okada, |
A Framework for Automatically Generating IoT Security Quizzes in 360VR Images/Videos Based on Linked Data | The 8-th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies (EIDWT-2020) | Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, Japan | 2020 | 2/24-26 |
発表者名 | 題目 | 学会等名 | 場所 | 発表年 | 月日 |
上拾石弥好, | 文化的・制度的違いから検証する情報化社会への対応の違い‐IT先進国インドから見えてくるもの The differential of cultural and institutional action on information society in India |
システム監査学会 第33回研究大会 | 機械振興会館ホール, 東京 | 2019 | 6/7 |
今村 弦, 岡村耕二, |
Kappa指標による大学別UDPリフレクタ数の分析 | Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile Symposium (DICOMO 2019) | 福島 | 2019 | 7/3-5 |
Piyush Ghasiya, Sachio Hirokawa, Koji Okamura, |
The Changing Cybersecurity Landscape in Japan and Quantitative Content Analysis of its Cybersecurity Strategies | The International Studies Association Asia-Pacific Conference 2019 | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | 2019 | 7/4-6 |
Geeta Yadav, Alaa Allakany, Vijay Kumar, Kolin Paul, Koji Okamura, |
Penetration Testing Framework for IoT | 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2019) | Toyama, Japan | 2019 | 7/7-12 |
Yiyi Wang, Alaa Allakany, Srishti Kulshrestha, Wei Shi, Ranjan Bose, Koji Okamura, |
Automatically Generate E-Learning Quizzes from IoT Security Ontology | 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2019) | Toyama, Japan | 2019 | 7/7-12 |
Ariel Rodriguez, Koji Okamura, |
Generating Real Time Cyber Situational Awareness Information Through Social Media Data Mining | IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC) | Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA | 2019 | 7/15-19 |
Daiki Hirayama, Wei Shi, Yoshihiro Okada, |
Web-Based Interactive 3D Educational Material Development Framework and Its Authoring Functionalities | The 22nd International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2019) | Oita University, Japan | 2019 | 9/5-7 |
Yoshihiro Okada, | 3D Graphics Applications for Education and Visualization | The 22nd International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2019) | Oita University, Japan | 2019 | 9/5-7 |
上本悠貴, 岡村耕二, |
エントロピーを用いた通信相手国数の増加検知手法 | Computer Security Symposium 2019 (CSS2019) | ハウステンボス, 長崎 | 2019 | 10/21-24 |
岡村耕二, 橋口勝弘, 上拾石弥好, 新里亜希, |
九州大学サイバーセキュリティセンターの紹介 | 大学ICT推進協議会2019年度年次大会 | 福岡国際会議場, 福岡 | 2019 | 12/12-14 |
Geeta Yadav, Alaa Allakany, Kolin Paul, Koji Okamura, |
IoT-PEN: A Penetration Testing Framework for IoT | The 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2020) | Barcelona, Spain | 2020 | 1/7-10 |
金子晃介, | 仮想通貨とブロックチェーン技術の可能性 | 第67回先導的ITセミナー | 宮崎大学, 宮崎 | 2020 | 1/16 |
小野貴臣, 岡村耕二, |
5G環境下におけるブロックチェーンアプリケーションの性能に関する研究 | 電子情報通信学会 インターネットアーキテクチャ研究会 | 関西学院大学, 東京 | 2020 | 1/24 |
上本悠貴, 岡村耕二, |
エントロピーを用いた国単位でのアクセス状況の変化の顕著化に関する研究 | 電子情報通信学会 インターネットアーキテクチャ研究会 | 関西学院大学, 東京 | 2020 | 1/24 |
北川大喬, 岡村耕二, |
片方向通信に着目した異常検知に関する研究 | 電子情報通信学会 インターネットアーキテクチャ研究会 | 関西学院大学, 東京 | 2020 | 1/24 |
Haibo Zhang, Toru Nakamura, Yuto Nakano, Koichi Sakurai, |
IoTサプライチェーン: 安全性の課題とブロックチェーンの試み | 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム (SCIS2020) | 高知 | 2020 | 1/28-31 |
長井克海, 小出 洋, 櫻井幸一, |
インシデント対応における非技術的な能力の向上を目的とした訓練の提案と評価 | 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム (SCIS2020) | 高知 | 2020 | 1/28-31 |
Koichi Sakurai, | Power and Limitation of Cyber Attack with Adversarial examples | The 12th Workshop among Asian Information Security Labs (WAIS 2020) | Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan | 2020 | 2/21 |
Yiyi Wang, Koji Okamura, |
Automatic Generation of E-Learning Contents Based on Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Techniques | The 8-th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies (EIDWT-2020) | Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, Japan | 2020 | 2/24-26 |
桝本武志, 小出 洋, |
ネットワークレベルのMTDによるWebアプリケーションのサイバー攻撃からの防御 | 火の国情報シンポジウム2020 | 九州工業大学, 福岡 | 2020 | 3/9-10 |
田島裕也, 小出 洋, |
自己隠蔽挙動に基づいたIoTボットの振る舞い検知 | 火の国情報シンポジウム2020 | 九州工業大学, 福岡 | 2020 | 3/9-10 |
寺嶋友哉, 小出 洋, |
分散環境における拡張性を持つサイバーレンジ構築手法の提案と評価 | 火の国情報シンポジウム2020 | 九州工業大学, 福岡 | 2020 | 3/9-10 |
Zhuowei Deng, 金子晃介, 櫻井幸一, |
ブロックチェーンを利用した電力取引情報のプライバシーを保護する手法の提案 | 火の国情報シンポジウム2020 | 九州工業大学, 福岡 | 2020 | 3/9-10 |
Li Heming, Kosuke Kaneko, Koichi Sakurai, |
A Proposal of Distributed Computing Method for Neural Network on Blockchain Network | 火の国情報シンポジウム2020 | 九州工業大学, 福岡 | 2020 | 3/9-10 |
発表者名 | 題目 | 学会等名 | 場所 | 発表年 | 月日 |
Neetu Jindal, Sandeep Chandran, Preeti Ranjan Panda, Sanjiva Prasad, Abhay Mitra, Kunal Singhal, Shubham Gupta, Shikhar Tuli, |
DHOOM: Reusing Design-for-Debug Hardware for Online Monitoring | The 56th Annual Design Automation Conference (DAC 2019) | Las Vegas, NV, USA | 2019 | 6/2-6 |
Sanjiva Prasad, Chandrika Bhardwaj, |
Only Connect, Securely | 14th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques (DisCoTec 2019) | Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark | 2019 | 6/17-21 |
Sanjiva Prasad, Chandrika Bhardwaj, |
Only Connect, Securely | University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA | 2019 | 7/8 | |
Sanjiva Prasad, Chandrika Bhardwaj, |
Only Connect, Securely | Dartmouth College, NH, USA | 2019 | 7/10 | |
Subodh Sharma, | Delivered a talk on “verification of smart contracts” | The Workshop on Democratizing Software Verification (DSV) with 31st International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification(CAV 2019) | NY, USA | 2019 | 7/14 |
Sanjiva Prasad, | Language Based Security: Lattices and Connections | Academic Research Summit(Microsoft Research & ACM India) | BITS Pilani Goa Campus, India | 2020 | 1/30-31 |