論文発表[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 学会発表[icon name=”arrow-circle-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]
著者名 | 題目 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | 号 | ページ | 発行年 | 発行月 |
Geeta Yadav, Kolin Paul, Alaa Allakany, Koji Okamura, |
IoT-PEN: An E2E Penetration Testing Framework for IoT | Journal of Information Processing (IPSJ) | 28 | 633-642 | 2020 | Sep | |
Chenguang Ma, Srishti Kulshrestha, Wei Shi, Kosuke Kaneko, Akira Haga, Yoshihiro Okada, Ranjan Bose, |
Integrated Development Frameworks Based on Linked Data for Web-Based Interactive Educational Materials | International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering (IJCSE) | 5 | 2 | 160 | 2020 | Dec |
著者名 | 題目 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | 号 | ページ | 発行年 | 発行月 |
Ariel Rodriguez, Koji Okamura, |
Enhancing data quality in real-time threat intelligence systems using machine learning | Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM),Springer | 10 | 1 | 1-22 | 2020 | Nov |
Yan Naung Soe, Yaokai Feng, Paulus Insap Santosa, Rudy Hartanto, Koichi Sakurai, |
Machine Learning-Based IoT-Botnet Attack Detection with Sequential Architecture | Sensors | 20 | 16 | 4372 | 2020 | Aug |
Hao Zhao, Yaokai Feng, Hiroshi Koide, Koichi Sakurai, |
A Sequential Detection Method for Intrusion Detection System Based on Artificial Neural Networks | International Symposium on Computing and Networking(CANDAR) | 10 | 2 | 213-226 | 2020 | |
Hikaru Yamamura, Reihaneh Morid, Nuren Abedin, Firouzeh Javadi, Daisuke Ikeda, Wei Shi, Yoshihiro Okada, |
A Development Framework for RP-type Serious Games in a 3D Virtual Environment | The 11th International Workshop on Virtual Environment and Network-Oriented Applications (VENOA-2020) in Proceedings of CISIS-2020 | 166-176 | 2020 | Jun | ||
Kosuke Kaneko, Ke Yan, Koichi Sakurai, |
Simulation System of Autonomous Vehicles for Overtaking Service Using Smart Contract | The 11th International Workshop on Virtual Environment and Network-Oriented Applications (VENOA-2020) in Proceedings of CISIS-2020 | 199-209 | 2020 | Jun | ||
Wei Shi, Akira Haga, Yoshihiro Okada, |
Web-based 3D and 360°VR Materials for IoT Security Education Supporting Learning Analytics | The 9-th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies(EIDWT-2021) |
2020 | ||||
Piyush Ghasiya, Koji Okamura, |
Investigating COVID-19 News Across Four Nations: A Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis Approach | Journal of IEEE Access | 9 | 36645-36656 | 2021 | Mar | |
Piyush Ghasiya, Koji Okamura, |
Understanding the Middle East through the eyes of Japan’s Newspapers: A topic modelling and sentiment analysis approach | Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | 2021 | Mar | |||
Haibo Zhang, Koichi Sakurai, |
A Survey of Software Clone Detection from Security Perspective | Journal of IEEE Access | 9 | 48157-48173 | 2021 | Mar | |
Tao Wang, Yaokai Feng, Koichi Sakurai, |
Improving the Two-stage Detection of Cyberattacks in SDN Environment Using Dynamic Thresholding | The 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication(IMCOM2021) | 1-7 | 2021 | Jan | ||
Ishak Meraouche, Sabyasachi Dutta, Haowen Tan, Koichi Sakurai, |
Neural Networks-Based Cryptography: A Survey | Journal of IEEE Access | 9 | 124727-124740 | 2021 | Mar |
著者名 | 題目 | 雑誌名 | 巻 | 号 | ページ | 発行年 | 発行月 |
Sanjiva Prasad, R. Madhukar Yerraguntla, Subodh Sharma, |
Security Types for Synchronous Data Flow Systems | 18th International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design(MEMOCODE2020) | 1-12 | 2020 | Dec | ||
Chandrika Bhardwaj, Sanjiva Prasad, |
Secure Information Flow Connections | ArXiv | 2020 |
発表者名 | 題目 | 学会等名 | 場所 | 発表年 | 月日 |
Alaa Allakany, Geeta Yadav, Kolin Paul, Koji Okamura, |
Detection and Mitigation of LFA Attack in SDN-IoT Network | Proceedings of the Workshops of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2020) | 2020 | 4 |
発表者名 | 題目 | 学会等名 | 場所 | 発表年 | 月日 |
Piyush Ghasiya, Koji Okamura, |
Comparative Analysis of Japan and the US Cybersecurity Related Newspaper Articles: A Content and Sentiment Analysis Approach | Proceedings of of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2020) | 2020 | 4 | |
Ariel Rodriguez, Koji Okamura, |
Cybersecurity Text Data Classification and Optimization for CTI Systems | Proceedings of the Workshops of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2020) | 2020 | 4 | |
Yiyi Wang, Koji Okamura, |
Implementation and Evaluation on Automated E-Learning Contents Creation Based on Natural Language Processing Techniques | Proceedings of the Workshops of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2020) | 2020 | 4 | |
Hikaru Yamamura, Reihaneh Morid, Nuren Abedin, Firouzeh Javadi, Daisuke Ikeda, Wei Shi, Yoshihiro Okada, |
A Development Framework for RP-type Serious Games in a 3D Virtual Environment | The 11th International Workshop on Virtual Environment and Network-Oriented Applications (VENOA-2020) in CISIS-2020 | 2021 | 7/2-3 | |
Wentao Tang, Kenji Hisazumi, |
IoT Devices Sharing System Using Smart Contract | Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference on Robot IoT System Development and Platform (APRIS2020) | Online | 2020 | 11/9-10 |
Kohei Kubota, Wai Kyi Kyi Oo, Hiroshi Koide, |
A New Feature to Secure Web Applications | The 8th International Symposium on Computing and Networking(CANDAR 2020) | Online | 2020 | 11/24-27 |
Piyush Ghasiya, Koji Okamura, |
A Comparative Analysis of Japan and India COVID-19 News Using Topic Modeling Approach | Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems(ICCIS 2020) | Online | 2020 | 12/26-27 |
Tao Wang, Yaokai Feng, Koichi Sakurai, |
Improving the Two-stage Detection of Cyberattacks in SDN Environment Using Dynamic Thresholding | The 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication(IMCOM2021) | Online | 2021 | 1/4-6 |
Piyush Ghasiya, Koji Okamura, |
Investigating Cybersecurity News Articles by Applying Topic Modeling Method | Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2021) | Online | 2021 | 1/13-16 |
山方大輔, 川上哲志, 谷本輝夫, 井上弘士, 小野貴継, |
プロセッサへの実装に向けたORAMにおけるポジションマップ削減手法の検討 | The 38th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security(SCIS2021) | Online | 2021 | 1/19-22 |
Fupei Lyu, Yaokai Feng, Koichi Sakurai, |
Detecting DDoS Attack in SDN Environment Using Automatic Thresholding Method | The 38th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security(SCIS2021) | Online | 2021 | 1/19-22 |
Haibo Zhang, Koichi Sakurai, |
Zero Trust Security Model for Modern Supply Chain Towards Society 5.0 | The 38th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security(SCIS2021) | Online | 2021 | 1/19-22 |
Zhuowei Deng, Kosuke Kaneko, Koichi Sakurai, |
Privacy Protection for Electricity Transaction Information on Blockchain-based Virtual Power Plant | The 38th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security(SCIS2021) | Online | 2021 | 1/19-22 |
Wei Shi, Akira Haga, Yoshihiro Okada, |
Web-based 3D and 360°VR Materials for IoT Security Education Supporting Learning Analytics | The 9-th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies(EIDWT-2021) |
Online | 2021 | 2/25-27 |
Li Heming, Kosuke Kaneko, Koichi Sakurai, |
Security Mechanism in Volunteer Computing System by Using Blockchain and Smart Contract | 2021年電子情報通信学会総合大会 | Online | 2021 | 3/9-12 |
発表者名 | 題目 | 学会等名 | 場所 | 発表年 | 月日 |
Sanjiva Prasad, R. Madhukar Yerraguntla, Subodh Sharma, |
Security Types for Synchronous Data Flow Systems | The 18th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design(MEMOCODE 2020) | Virtual | 2020 | 12/2-4 |