2023/11/29: Introducing: Lecture with high discipline
「警察実務から安全な生活について学ぶ 2023」
*Starts from Winter Semester / Already fixed seats
Hope we will have a meaningful time with the lectures.
===== Visit for our FB Page https://www.facebook.com/CSC.KyushuUniv/
By the Cyber Editor, updated 2023/11/29
2023/11/13: Introducing
ネットワーク関連の大手の会社と協力して、学部生向けの講義を数年に渡り、実現してきています。毎回、受講者が素早く満員になることも。冬学期から実施する予定です。We, the Cyber security center have continued collaborative lectures for undergraduates which are handled by the network companies under the support of the Professor in charge. Here, we are glad to keep the memories.
Welcome to follow FB page, CSC and share the activities.
Thank you!
^By the editor- updated 2023/11/13
公開講座:デジタル講座 2023/08/07
ICT 夏演習会・第1回 / 第2回2023年度、ICT演習、第2回目のプログラムは九州大学のサイバーセキュリティセンターによって開催されました。糸島市と協力して、一貴山、長糸コミュニティセンターを中心にシニアの市民の集まりで行いました。糸島市はデジタル使用率を基準にして地域的に学習者を集めていました。高齢者だけあって知りたい情報、興味深いところがたくさんあり、サイバーセキュリティセンター長は講義を二回に分けて、高齢者の方に分かりやすく教えてくれていました。九州大学チームにおいてサイバーセキュリティグループ、九州大学シニア研究スマホ実験関係グループ、サイバーセキュリティセンターからの教育支援グループも協力をしてしました。
Recorded from the ICT 2023/ Summer Session Timetable///
This time one fact we saw from the Ikisan and Nagaito was old senior students were very satisfied after the Lessons and we understand their appreciation and what their smiles said.
Oppositely, Nagaito we had a small crowd and but, they were sweet and had good hospitality. So, it is difficult to say successfully finished everything. However, our 1st destination Ikisan Community Centre, we had a good crowd and also well being questioned. In the Nagaito Community, we met Senior citizens with good concentration.
When looking at them almost are prefer Android phones. What we felt while teaching them usually they have familiarity with their phones and just needed to know about new apps, and safety ways for the SNS just like lines. Rarely, do we see someone fail to use language functions and typing problems too. We paid compassion. Extremely they gave us gratitude smiles and greetings.
Next, if we have a chance somewhere in the coming autumn I think our team is ready to launch and go for the next place in the countryside. We are also proud as research people we could share our knowledge with the regional citizens and that is very practical.
As an editor, I had a hard path to reach this country sides and but extremely gave me a feeling of the real countryside and nature glancing at endless forests, paddy fields, flowers and grass spots, and old-type traditional Japanese houses.
*While representing CSC of Kyushu University, Thank you all for your participation!
*See you all once again with some good news.
By the Editor/Updated/2023/08/07
2023.07.06 Smart Phone Seminar Series :
Summer Season / First Session
~You are still not late to learn~
by the editor Updated//
2023.03.07_【公開講座】【Extension Lecture】
Research and lecture Memorials of the Cyber Security Centre Team
Kyushu University and Itoshima city combined ICT Program Year 2023Opportunities such that research becomes truly practical and effective. Prof: Okamura Koji initiated this program with his hands tied with the Itoshima City Office. Here, our Cyber Security Centre team is focusing on digital support for regional seniors. Especially, Problems that regional elder citizens arise in the use of smartphones complaints about the operation of important apps usage, and safety on the Internet sites. As evidence, while the program running our digital supporters dealt with many issues they often face via Lines, Spot searching, and configuring their applications safely. Following the conference, seniors were also supportive of the questionnaire survey and experience. Our eyes were also drawn to the various atmospheres, such as the deeply grateful voices of elderly people saying.
“Thank you for your help” on their way home. Same as Thank you for all your hard work, Itoshima City, Regional Senior participants, and Kyushu University collaborators. Representing Cyber Security Centre Professor Okamura and other Staff hope that you will have deep attention to the program for next year.九州大学サイバーセキュリティセンターにより、高齢者向けのデジタルスマホ講習会が、2月23日、24日の2日間、糸島市の東風コミュニティセンターで行われました。糸島市と共同で、地域の高齢者のスマホ使用において出てくる問題、操作時の不満、重要なアプリの使い方、ネット上の安全について、九州大学の学生や先生方により教えていくという流れでした。講座後、高齢者の方々がアンケート調査と実験にもご協力くださいました。
来年度もよりよい講習会となるようお互い協力していきましょう!~Edited from Our February Time table~ See you all!
- 2023.03.06_【公開講座】【Extension Lecture】
せきゅトークYear 2023
Sekyu Talk is one of the annual programs coordinated by the Cyber Security Centre of Kyushu University that teaches and supports the usual public on how to prevent Cyber dangerous situations such as Violence, Net fishing, Flirts of net romance, Cheating, robbery, etc. Sekyu Talk Program enough explained and answered the public questions those true citizens face in the Cyber world. The Lectures were conducted by the Fukuoka Prefectural Police headquarters of the Community Safety Department, QTnet from the private sector, and Professor Okamura Koji representing the Cyber Security Centre of Kyushu University. As an editor of the Article, I saw the curious attentions of the Audience for the Lectures impressing their neediness about the Topic. No doubt, even you and I don’t have an idea of the opportunities we trap in cyber danger via smartphone apps or personal links to our PCs.Ohh,
~By Cyber Editors~
- 2023.02.05_【公開講座】
- 一般市民向けサイバーセキュリティ公開講座「せきゅトーク 2023 in 福岡」の事前申込を公開しました!
- 2022.01.30_【公開講座】
- 一般市民向けサイバーセキュリティ公開講座「せきゅトーク 2022 in 福岡」
- 日曜日の昼間、そしてオンラインでの開催にもかかわらず、多くの皆様にご参加いただき無事に終えることができました。
- ありがとうございました。
- 2月1日~3月18日 は 「サイバーセキュリティ月間」
- 2022年キャッチフレーズ「#サイバーセキュリティは全員参加」(内閣府のサイトへ)
- 2021.11.09_【国内連携】
- 福岡県警察本部サイバー犯罪課と定例の意見交換会をおこないました。
- 2021.01.29_【enPiT-Security】
- 成果報告会(ワークショップ)の案内を公開しました!
- 2021.01.06_【SECKUN】
- 2021年度の募集要項を公開しました!